The teacher talks about the conformation of Chilean society from the study of all its institutions since the origin of the Spain colonization. Also, the subject focuses on talking about the history of the "others" without center necessarily on the principal characters of the "official" history of Chile.

Too, the teacher René invite or show video capsules of interviews with the authors of the texts that make us read for the class makes by him.

Some principal topics are: 

-The importance of the landscape on the conformation of the Chilean nationality.

-The life around the Estate

-The borders of BioBio like Spain and Mapuche cultural miscegenation and exchange zones 

-The catholic religion and the Chilean culture

-And many others that still don't teach us.

I like this subject because I can understand the culture of where I live, find me again with my estates, value the culture of my hometown Isla de Maipo. And strength more my Isleña identify.


  1. Hi Natalia! I like this subject too, I think that is very interesting the topics that are covered and the way they help us understand each other as a society :)

  2. I also like this subject, it is great to be able to know more about cultures and communities often unknown by the official history of Chile.


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