My favorite piece of technology

 My favorite piece of technology is my Ebook Kindle 2019. My older sister gave it to me in April of this year because I don't have a printer and I need to read too many texts for my virtual classes. I used daily in the mornings and the evenings for the university. But now I use it for reading non-college related books too.
 I love my Ebook because I don't have to spend my money on prints or physical books. Besides that, the Kindle weighs less than all of the text that I have to read weekly and, that is so good for my back pains. And finally, I take care of the environment by not using so much paper.
Without my ebook, I don't know how I could read the obligatory bibliography for my classes because the nearest places to print are to 6km from my house, and these places are so expensive.

Thanks for read 😁!


  1. It's curious how you help the environment by using your ebook so as not to waste sheets of paper, maybe at some point I will also be inclined to read on this platform

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  3. I hadn't thought of an e-book to survive in university. In my house, the printer is really used a lot and even hurts to see how much paper is used! Glad to see an ecological solution

  4. Wow I never have been some Ebook but I think that is very necesary in the online classes, besides it's very good tool to read in! Greetings Natalia.


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