A country you would like to visit : EGYPT

 I would like to visit Egypt. Because is a country with a lot of antique History, and a lot of archeological pieces, like tombs, monuments, sarcophagus with treasures and beautiful amulets. I know that is a country that has too much Muslim population, and for that reason, the women that visit, have to be careful with the clothes that wear.

I would like to visit the National Museum of the Egyptian Civilization on Fustat, the pyramids of Guiza, the Sphinx, the Egypt Museum of Cairo, and Luxor. In other words, I would like to visit the most important monuments of Antique Egypt and learn the most possible of these monuments.

A big dream is I will study and work there because one of my passion is Egyptology. I would like to work in excavations and study more closely this civilization than I could do in my house with a book or in a theoretical class. But for the culture of Egypt, I would not like to live there forever.

.(The first pyramid of Egypt knowing: the pyramids of Djoser)


  1. Hi Natalia! Egypt is a very interesting country, I hope to travel as an archeologist one day and see a lot of archaeological evidence :)

  2. I would like to travel to Egypt just for the animals, I like camels, the fenec fox and the hairless cats.


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