Let's talk about the pandemic

The first problem that I see right now, by the pandemic it's the increase of the depression on the Chilean population.

The second it's the increase of suicides in the Chilean population.

Ther thirth it's the abandonment of the seniors, and for this the increase of the suicide in this part of the population, in fact, this is the part of the Chilean population that do more suicide.  And it's because, they can't go outside to share with other seniors, and they feel sad for this.

And the last it's the impoverishment of the Chilean population.

The first thing that the people had to change, was the way of communicate. At the beginning of the pandemic, all the meetings were by video calls. And nowadays the education it's by the internet too.

The second thing it's having to wear a mask by obligation, for go outside.

And the last it's, that the people started to buy more things via the internet than the previous years.

I think that the life after pandemic will be the same that before the pandemic, because, even if we change some traditions, those changes are transient. And we don't change the fundamentals traditions, like the way of organization of our society.

I think that the people that will feel more the changes after the pandemic, it's the people that lost a person for the virus :(.


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