Changes to my study program

About my study program I don't have too much to say, because I am just in second year and most of my subjects related with anthropology are really goods and I have learned a lot.

The only subjects with which I have had problems are the CFG and the cultural and artistic subjects, the CFG are poorly organized are 100 or more students in just one meeting with two teachers that don't says the same instructions for one activity, also I didn't learn anything for the same reason. Also, for the CFGs of the following years we have to fight for a place in a class, I think that are just a waste of time.

For the cultural and aristic subjects we also have to fight for a place, so I think that It would be better if the university offered more places for this subjects.

About the infraestucture I can't say too much because I have never been to college, so I can't have a opinion about something that I don't know.

To end, the workload is fed up, but in my case when I have talking with the teachers because I have had problems for do homeworks or exams, they have spoken to me in a very understanding way. However, it also depends on the subjects, because there are teachers who are more demanding than others, teachers who give unjustifies bad grades or teachers that give too much lectures for the week. The only way to improve this situación is by the Teacher evaluation, but these are not important so even if a teacher have a bad evaluation, the teacher will keep his job.



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